Suzy Exhales
Suzy Exhales Podcast
Xanthe Berkeley - Seeker and Capturer of Joy, Moment by Moment by Moment

Xanthe Berkeley - Seeker and Capturer of Joy, Moment by Moment by Moment

“Fortune Follows The Brave”

In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade's no easier to make than an oak.

~ James Russell Lowell ~

Past, Present and Future - A pin badge from a workshop of Xanthe’s back in 2016, sat in an oyster shell decorated by last week’s guest, Avril Lobo, next to a pair of earrings - a gift from a future guest Sina Winnandy

💫Once upon a time, there was an enchanted series, where folk gathered to hear the tales of creators who bravely faced, conquered, and continued to conquer, the dragons of fear, thus revealing their magical gifts, skills, and true essence to the world.✨

I’ve been sitting with wondrous souls—artists, travelers of distant lands, weavers of words, capturers of light, coaches, practitioners, and wise teachers—each one a character of great inspiration, whom I deeply admire.

In this mystical realm, I believe wholeheartedly that our destined success is but a matter of time, so long as we continue steadfast, following the nudges of our heart, and feeling into the things that bring lightness and merriment for our soul.

Chapter Two🪄

Elevator of The Everyday Quotidian, with bright colours and bold moves, Xanthe Berkeley has long since been a source of JOY and inspiration on my Instagram timeline. Whether cycling along on her yellow bicycle or washing pans from the Sunday roast, Xanthe has a talent for flicking the mundane into magic. 🪄 She has certainly been the inspiration behind so many of my own tinkerings with videos and photographs over the years.

Who is Xanthe Berkeley?🦩

Xanthe is a photographer and video creator based between London UK and Hoi An, Vietnam. Passionate about capturing joy and movement and elevating everyday moments through her work. With experience in lifestyle portrait photography and video production, Xanthe has collaborated with many UK brands creating social media content for many years. She's also dedicated to educating others, offering workshops and online courses & memberships to inspire budding video creators. When she's not creating for brands or teaching, Xanthe enjoys experimenting with many personal projects, like her daily video series on instagram or sharing colourful glimpses of her life.

You can subscribe to Xanthe’s Monthly Newsletter here.

Check out Xanthe’s online courses and other magic on her beautiful website.

And be inspired by the every day moments in Xanthe’s colourful Instagram pages -

, @createvideoswithxanthe, and @xanthevideos.

I know you’re going to love Xanthe’s winsome words of experience.

Time Stamps:

3.14 Was there a moment when fear almost brought you to a halt? How did you overcome that?

12.00 The fear of those we know seeing our content

13.44 How do you overcome “Comparisonitus?”

18.00 The importance of self-awareness in our emotions and thoughts

18.16 How key is community and collaboration?

22.37 Touching on Human Design Strategy. Emma Dunwoody

30.50 How to remain consistent and persistent?

39.20 Balancing Commercial Work With Personal Expression

44.00 What does it mean to create from our authentic self?

45.45 Why do we have an insatiable need to create?

48.35 “Fortune Favours the Brave”

PS. I did a rather botched job on explaining what Human Design is. The following is the explanation according to Emma Dunwoody, Human Design Expert and Behavioral Specialist. I love Emma’s no BS approach and her desire to keep HD accessible to all:

“Human Design is your unique energetic blueprint of how you’re designed to live your fullest potential and in alignment with the universe. It combines the Kabbalistic tree of life, modern astrology, the Chinese I’Ching and Hindu Chakra’s systems together to give you an insight of what your soul is here to bring to the world by living a fully aligned life.

Human design is the ultimate permission slip to be yourself!

Your personalised Human Design Bodygraph is calculated using your exact date, time, and place of birth. The Personality (conscious) side of the chart is calculated at the exact moment of your birth, and the Design (unconscious) side of your chart is calculated exactly 88 days prior to your birth.

Although there are external factors that influence your chart, the actual chart does not change during this lifetime.”

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Finding One’s Soul Essence
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