Suzy Exhales
Suzy Exhales Podcast
What is Resilience?

What is Resilience?

Is it something we are born with? Can we cultivate more of it? Why is it so important?

So, I invite you to take a deep breath, put the kettle on, and join me in exploring how not to do a podcast! 😁

Around two years ago, I had a 30-minute chat with Di Murray, a Resilience Practitioner (you can find her incredible work on her gorgeous website, Coming Up For Air). This conversation was part of a project that did not come to fruition.

Upon revisiting this conversation recently, I found myself struggling with so much self-judgment, particularly regarding my interviewing skills.

Moreover, what struck me profoundly was how unsettled my nervous system was. I rambled too much, posed leading questions instead of open ones, and I recall vividly how much I was stuck in my head rather than being present in my body.

It was enlightening to listen to and witness how much I've grown in the last couple of years, but goodness, listening to it was a cringe-worthy and uncomfortable experience.

The embarrassment almost dissuades me from sharing this, but the calm and grounded wisdom delivered by Di, her intuitive insights and knowledge are too valuable not to be heard.

In our conversation, the name of my former religion gets mentioned. This is something I purposely steer away from because my aim in life is to be the softness. I don’t have the desire to perpetuate yet more judgement into the world. Goodness, if there’s one thing the world needs more of is less judgement.

Last night, I stumbled upon this inspiring excerpt from Joe Dispenza. He spoke a truth that resonates deeply with me:

“There has to be extreme polarities before there’s a reorganization. And everything that is not consistent with a new level of energy or a new level of consciousness is going to spiral apart…every system in nature, before it evolves, goes through a period of chaos…Whether you’re looking at the environment, politics, economics, religion, education, journalism, medicine, all of those paradigms are beginning to unravel because they’re no longer consistent with a greater level of energy [that’s occurring].

So, how then do we face these challenges? This is the big question, because if we face them with fear, then it’s the very emotion that created them in the first place. If we face them with hostility and anger, then we are going to be reacting and recreating the same outcome. So we have to embrace this understanding, not in a separate way of, “You’re over there and I’m over here” because that’s the lie we’ve been taught [one of separation]…How then?Love. Love and gratitude.

Above all else, I aspire to learn how to love wholeheartedly from an expanded heart. Whenever I find myself passing judgment, I recognize it as an indication of something within me that needs attention and love. As within, so without.

In short, I hold deep love for those within my former faith. There are some truly beautiful individuals in there whose yearning is simply for a peaceful world.

The highlights of our conversation revolve around three elements of Resilience:

- Our capacity for change.

- Our ability to access our resourcefulness at any given moment (which is why NLP holds a special place in my heart).

- Our ability to feel safe in our body (more than ever before, it’s paramount we learn to find safety within the body and regulate our nervous system - which has often been wired for trauma response - that was certainly me…haha, you can even hear it in this interview).

Enjoy the wisdom of Di and do take a moment to drop a comment below - it really helps grow my publication here.

Sending love and warmth your way.

Ah, and the journey continues...

P.S. I’ve even left in the flapdoodle moment at the end. 🫣

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Suzy Exhales
Suzy Exhales Podcast
Finding One’s Soul Essence