Suzy Exhales
Suzy Exhales Podcast
Power Thought Affirmations

Power Thought Affirmations

Exhale For 90 Seconds With These Wonderful Thoughts

What we can perceive, we can receive.

Every day I like to pull several Louise Hay Power Thought Cards, I then read them into the Parrot App, which then plays them on a loop so I can listen to them as I go about my day.

This ritual serves as a powerful tool to counteract any clunky thinking or negative energies that may arise, effectively rewiring my brain.

Once we start to become aware of just how negative our self talk is, we can begin to shift. We allow ourselves the possibility that we are the things we are saying we are not.

Discovering affirmations that resonate with us is key to this process.

When we find phrases that genuinely feel good, we establish a connection with the words. This, in turn, starts to reprogram the mind because the unconscious mind is very open to suggestion

Even if we don't fully believe the affirmations initially, embracing the feelings associated with them can work wonders. The magic happens through consistent and persistent practice.

The repetition of affirmations allows them to penetrate deeper into our unconscious minds, reshaping ingrained beliefs and thought patterns.

As I’m listening to affirmations that I love, I consciously exhale, recenter within my body and I experience a sense of lightness growing with each breath.

What are your favourite affirmations?

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Suzy Exhales Podcast
Finding One’s Soul Essence