Suzy Exhales
Suzy Exhales Podcast
Avril Lobo - From Pain to Personal Power

Avril Lobo - From Pain to Personal Power

How to Move Beyond Fear and Shine Your Light With Joy and Creativity

Chapter One

Just over two years ago, I hosted a mindset webinar for the charity I’d ran the London Marathon for in October 2022. Even though the webinar went well and I have a passion for public speaking, what followed was a significant contraction—a trauma response, if you will. It was a shrinking of self and a desire to never be seen or heard again. I actually stayed in bed for several days afterward.

Working through my own crippling fears over the past four years, after a lifetime of suppression and oppression of self, has been an exhilarating, bumpy, and sometimes painful journey. If I can overcome the intense fears that were stored in me, I believe anyone can. I truly believe that.

I also believe that we can trust that our success is inevitable.

I'm excited to be recording a dozen or so conversations that uncover the cogs and wheels of fear when it comes to creating a life we desire and sharing our magic. I'm chatting with some truly inspiring souls whom I admire greatly—artists, globe-trotters, writers, photographers, coaches, practitioners, and teachers.

Today’s conversation with Avril Lobo is wonderful because it feels foundational. Avril has been unstinting in her support, wisdom and love these past couple of years and I have so much respect and gratitude for her.

Avril is a trauma-informed leadership coach for mid to senior leaders, helping them design a meaningful life and career comeback after workplace burnout or PTSD.

Avril is change-maker and cycle-breaker - with a wild inner knowing, huge heart, boundless creativity and joyful essence.

Connect with Avril: 

I definitely recommend you subscribe to Avril's weekly newsletter: 

About Avril and her work: 

You can also listen to a chat Avril and I had earlier this year on shame resilience. What does it mean to be trauma informed? And how can we learn  self-trust?

Time Stamps:

2.44: How might fear show up as we create?

10:36 How can unaddressed trauma hamper our creativity - our moving forward?

19.33 Looking at intuition and fear. How can we come to view fear as an ally?

35:55 Mind-body-energy work. How do somatic techniques help?

49.55 How do we cultivate an ‘I am Enough’ attitude and understand that it’s not about doing, doing, doing?

1hr 2 mins: What are values and how can we come to know what our own values are?

1hr 12 mins: How do we create more joy in life so that we can play with life rather than fight with it?

1:17:44: What does leading without a title mean?

1:21:11: The importance of authenticity.

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Suzy Exhales
Suzy Exhales Podcast
Finding One’s Soul Essence